Saturday, April 25, 2009

Collecting eggs!

I wanted to introduce Poppy to the chickens and the eggs as early as I could. I had kept her away from direct contact with the birds, but she was allowed to throw them scratch. I decided now that the weather is nicer and the coop is drying out and isn't so squishy that she could go in and collect the eggs too! This was such an exciting day for her! Now it is our daily routine to come down to the coop after I pick her up after I am done school.

Walking down the driveway with our egg basket!

Opening the door! What is inside?!

Some CHICKENS! The speckled one is "Purdy" a Cuckoo Maran, and the solid gray is "Pepper" a bantam Cochin mix. I think the ladies were surprised to see a little one in there.

First two eggs, they were son after dropped!

These two were smacked together!

Although we had 6 eggs that day, we ended up with none. They were either dropped or cracked together :( Poppy had fun and now we have a rule that she can pick them up and hand them to mommy :)

1 comment:

  1. Poppy is getting so big! We need to get together!!! Love your new blog :)
