Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Soy crayon drawing fun

I purchased some soy crayon rocks at Christmas time and then decided that Poppy was just way too little still to use them. I put them in my drawer and forgot about them until the other day when I decided I didn't want her scribbling with markers. I really like them, all except the blue one which for some reason was gooey... not sure about that? maybe something to do with the pigment?

I picked up this Little Tykes Easel at a thrift store in Nelson for $3.99. It was such a good deal I had to lug it all the way home. Poppy has insisted on drawing everyday since bringing it out. I am so glad I bought this.

Also, Marks Aunt bought these little flower hairclips home for Poppy from Hawaii, I totally love them, and I am trying to figure out how to make copies. They are made from a very thin foam, and painted.

1 comment:

  1. A budding little artist! Great deal with the easel and my past due friday finds are finally up :)
